Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 13, 2009

We're having a baby!

Hello friends and family! My good friend Eleisha Ensign told me that I should start a blog about my baby, and since her blog about HER baby is just so fun to check out, I thought I would give it a try. I'm getting a late start on it, so let me catch everyone up.

Kirk and I found out we were having a baby on January 18th, after a missed period and two days of feeling really terrible. It didn't take us very long trying, and we were so excited! We immediately started thinking of names...(more on that later)

For three full months I felt very queasy ALL the time. I didn't get sick too often, but when I did it was not fun. Mostly I just dry-heaved. I was really surprised at how heightened my sense of smell has become. Right at 14 weeks, I started feeling better. Thank goodness! I'm still tired a lot, but I think that has a lot to do with getting ready for our dance recital as well. And I keep getting headaches with the weather changing all the time. Kirk has helped me a lot around the house through all of this, and hasn't griped at all about me not cooking much. He's the greatest!

My first visit with Dr. Bost (we love him!) was March 9th, right at 11 weeks. We got to hear the heartbeat! It was so fast, beating at 165 beats per minute. He said everything looks great, and I'm measuring at exactly the right size for my time of pregnancy. I gained 6 pounds from the time I found out I was pregnant. At this point, my due date is September 27th. This is when we told just about everyone. Our parents and families are very excited, as well as all the kids at the studio. The competition girls kept saying, "I knew you were pregnant!"

Okay, I'm about up to speed. Today was my second appointment, at 16 weeks. I'm still measuring right, but I've gained 12 pounds since my last visit! He made mention of it, but said I'm still okay. The heartbeat was still going strong, at 165. My official ultrasound isn't until my next visit, but the nurse (thanks, Joi!) brought Kirk and I in for a quick peek. The baby was breech, so it was really difficult to tell whether it's a boy or girl with the legs all tucked in underneath and the umbilical cord in the way. But I did get the cutest picture of baby sucking its thumb! I will post those pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl this is such a good idea....tooo cute
