Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Baptism & Santa

Skeet was baptized by Father Don at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on December 5th. His godparents are Chad & Chelle Blanchard, Kirk's brother and his wife. He was such a good boy, he only got fussy towards the end when he was getting hungry. Then we went to Aunt Tanya's for a Christmas party, and he looked around at everyone the whole night! We took Skeet to the mall to see Santa on December 9th at 11 1/2 weeks old. He was asleep right before we got there, so he was a little groggy. When I sat him on Santa's lap, he looked up at Santa like, "Who in the world are you?" Then he looked at the camera, thus the picture shown here!
Skeet had been sleeping 8-10 hours at a time, then after Saturday he started waking up between 1 and 2 in the morning again! He's slowly getting better, and I know I'll be a happy mommy again we he starts sleeping more! He's so happy about it all, though. Even when he wakes up he doesn't cry, he just talks and fusses. He only cries when he's hungry. And not to sound conceited, but he must really love me because he can just look at me and smile. It's the cutest thing: he'll have his pacifier in his mouth and turn to look at me, and slowly starts grinning and it just falls out of his mouth. Too cute!


Not really much to say about Thanksgiving, except that we saw all the family and Skeet slept the whole time! He took some really cute pictures that evening, which are included here. He was 9 1/2 weeks old at the time.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

2 Months Old

Skeet is 2 months old! In some ways it has just flown by! On Friday, we went for his 2-month check-up. He weighed 12 pounds 14 ounces and was 23 1/2 inches long. His head was 15 1/2 inches. He is in the 75th percentile for his height and weight. Don't ask me what that means exactly, but the nurse that it basically means that his height and weight is proportionate (so he's not fat!). His head size is in the 25th percentile. Poor baby had to get three shots and an oral medicine, but he took it like a champ. He only cried when the nurse stuck him, and as soon as I picked him back up he quit. And for the second time this week, he has slept for over 7 hours! The other nights he has slept for about 5 hours before waking up to eat. I think (HOPE!) we are getting close to him sleeping all night! (Although I guess we could technically consider 7 hours all night!) He has turned out to be such a cutie pie! He smiles at almost everything and is just such a happy baby all the time.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weekly Pictures

7 Weeks

6 Weeks

5 Weeks

I've been taking a picture of Skeet once a week since he was born. These are just the past few!

3 Week-Old Pics

These are a few of the pictures my friend Eleisha took of Skeet when he was 3 weeks old. Precious!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

7 1/2 Weeks Old

As I am writing this entry, Skeet is strapped to me in a front carrier. I don't know exactly how much he weighs, but he has definitely grown since my last blog. I really hadn't realized how much he has grown until I got the pictures that Eleisha took back when Skeet was 3 weeks old. A lot has happened and changed since then. At about 5 weeks he started eating 5 or 6 ounces at some feedings! And for the past week, he has eaten 6 ounces of formula at bedtime. Most of the time he manages to sleep for a bit longer taking the formula rather than breast milk. And last night for the first time he slept through the night! He slept for 7 1/2 hours. I woke up at 5:30, and Kirk asked, "Is that the first time he woke up?" I was like, "OMG yes!" On October 20th, I was lucky enough to get my first true smile from Skeet. Kirk's mom kept him for a couple of hours while I taught dance classes, and when I got home I started talking to him, and he followed my voice and grinned bigger than Dallas! It was so cute. A week later he began cooing and making different noises. And on Halloween night, he laughed in his sleep! THAT was cute. It's been the only time so far that has happened. He has started staying awake for longer periods during the day, and it has become a task trying to keep him occupied. The swing and his jungle playmat (thanks Brandon and Erica!) have been lifesavers. He loves watching the lights and listening to the music and jungle sounds. He also like laying in his crib and watching the mobile, but the music doesn't play for very long, and when it stops he gets very upset. This past Wednesday, November 11th (Daddy's 30th birthday!) we took Skeet to see Dr. Parks, an ear nose and throat doctor. We were concerned about the frenulum, or flap of skin underneath his tongue. It was attached all the way to the tip of his tongue. While he nursed just fine, we were worried that it would cause him to have speech problems later on. Dr. Parks said yes, it definitely needed to be snipped, so we had it done right there. All they did was lift the tongue, cut the flap, press with gauze, and let me feed him. It barely bled, and he began sticking his tongue out immediately. That was fun to watch, because before he could only lift it straight up. Now he can stick out his tongue and roll it around. For a day or two he worked it like you wouldn't believe; I guess because it was all so new to him. On the 20th we go for his 2-month checkup. I can't believe he's already that old! The time has really flown by. Kirk and I continue to be amazed, and we love him dearly.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Two-Week Appointment

Skeet is 2 weeks old already! The time has flown by, and he is growing so fast! We took him to the doctor on Monday, and everything seems to be fine. Of course we had a million questions for the doctor, but he answered them all, and we feel a little better now. If you notice the growth chart, he lost a lot of weight between the time he left the hospital and was readmitted. When he left the hospital the second time, he weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces. I thought he would lose some of that due to all the fluids he was receiving, but apparently not, because he weighed in at a whopping 8 pounds 12 ounces yesterday. I'm not complaining at all, because at least I know he is eating and is healthy.

He is getting much better about his nights and days, although he still wakes up every three hours or so to eat. At least at night he will go back to sleep pretty quickly (most of the time!). He doesn't have to have a pacifier--thank goodness--but it does help quiet him if he is crying or fussy. We just started putting him in his swing, and he seems to enjoy that. I also put together his playmat (thanks Brandon & Erica!) and he'll lay there and look up at the butterflies. His little umbilical cord fell off early this morning. Actually, I changed him at around 3:00a.m. and it was there, and at 7:00 it was gone! It took me a while to find it; it had worked it's way to the back of his onesie. He is so precious, and we love him so much! Eleisha is coming to town this weekend (YAY!) and is going to take some photos for us. I can't wait!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our Little Man's First Two Weeks

On Sunday, September 20th at 5:45 p.m., I was walking around outside when my water broke. I wasn't really sure that's exactly what happened, but I called the doctor's office and they said, "Yep, sounds like you're about to have a baby. Go on to the hospital!" So we checked into the hospital at 8:00 p.m. (I had to shower, of course! LOL). I was dilated to 1cm. The doctor started me on Pitocin at 12:00 because I didn't dilate any more. By 1:30, I had dilated to 2cm, so they gave me an epidural (the BEST THING EVER). At 7:00 a.m. I had fully dilated to 10cm, and by about 7:20 started pushing. Oh, that was a long two hours! Our little man was born on September 21st at 9:34 a.m. He was 7 pounds 10 ounces and 18 3/4" long. The nurses had to take him to get oxygen because he wasn't breathing as well as they wanted him to, but was soon able to return to us. When we were released from the hospital on Wednesday, he had a bilirubin level of 12, which was high (that's jaundice). They sent him home with a “Bili Blanket”, a pad that lights up just like the phototherapy he received in the hospital. Skeet was very sleepy at home, and wouldn’t eat very much. Friday we went to the pediatrician, where they drew blood. The results took about an hour, and we had already gotten back home. The doctor’s office called and said that his blilrubin level was at 18 and we needed to go to the hospital. We were so upset; we flew to the hospital. As soon as we got there, the nurses put him back under the phototherapy lights and drew more blood. At this point, his bili level was up to 20. They had told us at one point that a level of 21 could cause brain damage, so we were hysterical. However, the nurses reassured us that they had babies in there with levels as high as 25 that did fine. So by the next morning, Skeet’s bili level had gone back down to 18, then 12, and finally by Saturday evening it was at a 9. A miracle! Sunday morning it was still at 9, but the doctor said at his age, 9 was okay now (the older they are, the higher the level babies can handle). We were ready to be discharged Sunday morning when the nurse came in and said that his urine culture came back positive for Staph. What next?!?! They said it may have just been contaminated, so they took another sample and put him on antibiotics. The culture took 24 hours, so we had to stay til Monday. It was negative, thank God. So we got to finally bring little Skeet home Monday afternoon. It’s been crazy ever since. He’s such a good baby, but he eats all the time! He doesn’t mind his baths, but hates to have his diapers changed! His daddy and I love him more than we ever could have imagined. His color is much improved, and we go back to the doctor tomorrow for his two week check-up. The first two weeks of his life have just flown by!

Monday, September 14, 2009

38 Weeks...and Still Uncomfortably Pregnant!

I had my 37-week appointment last Tuesday, the 8th, and I was at that point 80% effaced, but still barely dilated and Skeet was still up high. Dr. Bost said he wanted to see me back on Monday to do an ultrasound to see how big the baby is and decide what to do. He said he didn't want to see me go through hours of labor and have a 9+ pound baby, only to have female problems down the road. So! We went back in today for the ultrasound...he is measuring about 7 pounds 4 ounces at this point. Not too big! So here comes the disappointing news: when he checked me, I haven't changed since last week. The only thing new is that I am staying swollen really bad, but my blood pressure is fine. Just retaining a lot of fluid. I gained three pounds this past week! Kirk and I are both so ready for this baby to come. Get a good laugh at probably my last belly picture until he's born!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

36 Weeks Down, 4 To Go (or less!)

I had my 36-week appointment yesterday, and were we in for a surprise! Dr. Bost told us a few weeks ago that I might be a little early, but probably not by much. Well, this time he actually checked me, and the baby has dropped to a -2, I am 70% effaced, and have started dilating, but not quite 1 cm. In other words, I may be getting my hopes up, but Dr. Bost thinks it will only be two or three more weeks! Kirk and I are very excited, but I'm now wondering if we're really ready! I still have all his little clothes to wash, hang pictures on the walls, and get the carseat put in! Not to mention the fact that I just started teaching dance classes yesterday, and I'm trying to get all the students settled in and my teachers ready! I wouldn't be surprised if all that stress put me into labor. Thank goodness for all the wonderful parents and my awesome staff!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Almost 33 Weeks

Last Wednesday, we went for our doctor's appointment. I was right at 32 1/2 weeks. I was so proud of myself, I had only gained 3 pounds in the last 3 weeks! Dr. Bost said everything was great, and I'm still pretty much on schedule, maybe a little early. Skeet weighs around 4 pounds at this point, and is being very active. We were sitting in the waiting room, and he started moving around so much you could actually see my stomach move in all directions! Kirk and I both had our hands on my belly; people probably thought we were crazy, but it was so sweet. Our little baby is almost here! We are both just so amazed every day, and can't wait to meet him. We go again next Monday for our 34 week check-up, and on Wednesday for a 3-D ultrasound. This will hopefully be our first glimpse of him!

Family Baby Shower

Baby Crocs--too cute!!
Daddy Kirk

The Grandmothers

The Food

My Puppy

Sorry friends, I'm a little behind on my blog. Back on July 26th, my friends and family threw a baby shower for us at Aunt Tanya Wingate's home. There had to have been at least 75-100 people there! It was amazing. It took me two whole hours to open gifts! I was so tired that I had to open the last gift with my feet! (Yes, they got pictures.) We got almost everything we needed, plus some. We are so grateful to have such wonderful friends and family that care so much about us and our little baby. I know everyone is just as excited to meet him as we are!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Doctor's Visit

I had my latest doctor's visit on Thursday the 16th. I am still gaining weight, but we won't go into how much. Let's just say I officially weigh more than Kirk now. All my bloodwork came back fine, and Dr. Bost said everything looks great. Actually, he said, "Well, you're still pregnant, I see. But not for long!" He's so goofy. Only 10 more weeks to go! We are so ready to meet our little baby!

Studio Baby Shower

All the gifts
Cake by Tammy Buchholz
Diaper cake by Emily Abshire
Jen, Macey, and Brittlyn helping with all the gifts
Skeet's closet after the shower!
The lovely ladies at the dance studio threw me a shower last weekend, and it was wonderful! There had to have been about 40 or 50 people there, including my students that I haven't seen all summer. We got so many cute little outfits; I don't think my child will ever wear the same thing twice. We got the high chair, bath tub, and bedding, and other important stuff like diapers, wipes, and bath supplies. Our family shower is next weekend, and I'm sure that if we got this much at this shower, we should be ready to have our baby after the next one!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baby's Room

Just a tiny update to those of you who are following: We registered for baby items on Monday at Babies 'R' Us and Target. Most of our large items are at Babies 'R' Us. If you try to check out the registry online and can't find it, don't type in "Beaumont", just TX as the state. We are going with fire trucks to decorate the baby's room. I have included a picture of the bedding.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Third Trimester

I have officially begun my third trimester! I can't believe that 27 weeks have flown by so quickly. Our baby boy is almost here, and we are so excited. I think Kirk is even more ready than I am. We had a doctor's visit on Monday, and everything was normal. I have a little swelling, but nothing to be concerned about. I also gained 11 pounds in the last 5 weeks (OOPS!), but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we haven't had dance classes in a month, and we went on vacation to the Frio River for a week, where we ate like royalty. Every day. So I immediately started doing water aerobics with Aunt Sharon Harvey, and my legs are so sore! Maybe I'll be able to keep the weight gain down now.

I had to go back in on Wednesday for the bloodwork to determine if I have anemia or gestational diabetes. I had to drink the glucose and wait an hour before they could draw my blood. I haven't heard back from them yet, so I am hoping that everything was okay. I go back on April 13th (3 weeks from the last visit). The visits are starting to get closer now!

The baby moves almost constantly now. Mostly when I lay down to go to bed, first wake up in the morning, and anytime I eat. It is so sweet to feel him moving around, like he is trying to interact with us. Kirk rubs my belly and says, "Can you believe there is a baby in there?" We are both just so amazed at this little life we are bringing into the world. According to the books, he weighs about 2 to 2 1/2 pounds right now. I have included a picture of my growing belly--believe me, it is growing--but it is not very good because I had to take it of myself. I will try to get a better one for all you out there ready for a good laugh.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Best Time

My friend Eleisha was right: this is the best part of the pregnancy. I'm over the morning sickness (thank goodness), and the baby has started moving around. A LOT. He's kicking me right now. He's gotten really good at kicking me, especially in the bladder, but when someone else puts a hand there, he stops. It's like he knows...Kirk has really wanted to be able to feel him kick, but hasn't yet. A couple of days ago, I was sitting on the couch and he started kicking, so I put my hand there and sure enough I could feel it. So I thought, "If he's kicking me THIS hard, I wonder if I can see it?" So I looked down, and my stomach was jumping like Mexican jelly beans. I made Kirk come watch, and after about 5 minutes my stomach jumped about an inch! Kirk said, "Now I saw that!!" How fun! It's still so hard to imagine that I have a tiny life growing inside of me. It is such a miracle.

We finally got the crib put together, which didn't take near as long as we thought it would. The dresser and rocker are out of the box, but the dresser has like a thousand pieces. That one will take a while. I'll post pictures later when everything is done!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's a BOY!

At our visit on Monday, we first went into the ultrasound room. Joi proceeded to do the ultrasound, and right away said, "There it's a boy!" Kirk was grinning from ear to ear! I think I might have cried a little. What am I going to do with a little boy?!?!? He was very cooperative in showing that he was in fact a boy, but that's about it. He wouldn't show his face, but we got a cute foot shot and were reassured that his little heart has four chambers and is beating normally. He weighed in at 15 ounces. I then got weighed (7 more pounds) and saw the doctor. Everything with me is okay! I think I'm finally starting to look pregnant, not just fat. Afterwards, Kirk said, "I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping for a boy." We went to Babies R Us to look at bedding, but nothing jumped out at us. I'm thinking of fire trucks or John Deere, but probably fire trucks...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

19 Weeks and Counting...and Naming

Okay, so I've grown a little more in the belly the past few weeks! People are finally starting to notice that I'm pregnant. I'm feeling pretty good, just tired a lot. That energetic period hasn't hit me yet. We've been thinking of names, and we've finally come to some agreements. Not that I absolutely love love love them, but I guess I can live with them. For a girl, we have chosen Myla Rose (which I do love) and for a boy, Skeet Roland (or Skeet Something, but this is still under discussion; Kirk insists that this is the name). We will have an ultrasound on May 18th, and hopefully baby will cooperate enough so that we can see if it is a boy or girl!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Baby's Moving!

I've been able to feel the baby move for a couple of weeks now, but the most amazing thing happened on Tuesday. I laid down for a nap, and the baby KICKED me! It was a little nudge, a definite sign of baby. Then baby did a sommersault! I waited and felt a few more little movements, and fell asleep waiting for more. Kirk still can't feel it yet, but I'm sure in a couple more weeks everyone will be touching my belly. I told the girls at the studio that I am NOT a Buddha statue, please don't be rubbing on my belly! When the time comes...

16 Weeks

Okay, so for giggles and grins, I am taking pictures of my belly every few weeks to see how much I've grown. This is me at 16 weeks, not too bad, I guess!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

We're having a baby!

Hello friends and family! My good friend Eleisha Ensign told me that I should start a blog about my baby, and since her blog about HER baby is just so fun to check out, I thought I would give it a try. I'm getting a late start on it, so let me catch everyone up.

Kirk and I found out we were having a baby on January 18th, after a missed period and two days of feeling really terrible. It didn't take us very long trying, and we were so excited! We immediately started thinking of names...(more on that later)

For three full months I felt very queasy ALL the time. I didn't get sick too often, but when I did it was not fun. Mostly I just dry-heaved. I was really surprised at how heightened my sense of smell has become. Right at 14 weeks, I started feeling better. Thank goodness! I'm still tired a lot, but I think that has a lot to do with getting ready for our dance recital as well. And I keep getting headaches with the weather changing all the time. Kirk has helped me a lot around the house through all of this, and hasn't griped at all about me not cooking much. He's the greatest!

My first visit with Dr. Bost (we love him!) was March 9th, right at 11 weeks. We got to hear the heartbeat! It was so fast, beating at 165 beats per minute. He said everything looks great, and I'm measuring at exactly the right size for my time of pregnancy. I gained 6 pounds from the time I found out I was pregnant. At this point, my due date is September 27th. This is when we told just about everyone. Our parents and families are very excited, as well as all the kids at the studio. The competition girls kept saying, "I knew you were pregnant!"

Okay, I'm about up to speed. Today was my second appointment, at 16 weeks. I'm still measuring right, but I've gained 12 pounds since my last visit! He made mention of it, but said I'm still okay. The heartbeat was still going strong, at 165. My official ultrasound isn't until my next visit, but the nurse (thanks, Joi!) brought Kirk and I in for a quick peek. The baby was breech, so it was really difficult to tell whether it's a boy or girl with the legs all tucked in underneath and the umbilical cord in the way. But I did get the cutest picture of baby sucking its thumb! I will post those pictures tomorrow.