Skeet was baptized by Father Don at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on December 5th. His godparents are Chad & Chelle Blanchard, Kirk's brother and his wife. He was such a good boy, he only got fussy towards the end when he was getting hungry. Then we went to Aunt Tanya's for a Christmas party, and he looked around at everyone the whole night! We took Skeet to the mall to see Santa on December 9th at 11 1/2 weeks old. He was asleep right before we got there, so he was a little groggy. When I sat him on Santa's lap, he looked up at Santa like, "Who in the world are you?" Then he looked at the camera, thus the picture shown here!
Skeet had been sleeping 8-10 hours at a time, then after Saturday he started waking up between 1 and 2 in the morning again! He's slowly getting better, and I know I'll be a happy mommy again we he starts sleeping more! He's so happy about it all, though. Even when he wakes up he doesn't cry, he just talks and fusses. He only cries when he's hungry. And not to sound conceited, but he must really love me because he can just look at me and smile. It's the cutest thing: he'll have his pacifier in his mouth and turn to look at me, and slowly starts grinning and it just falls out of his mouth. Too cute!