Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baby's Room

Just a tiny update to those of you who are following: We registered for baby items on Monday at Babies 'R' Us and Target. Most of our large items are at Babies 'R' Us. If you try to check out the registry online and can't find it, don't type in "Beaumont", just TX as the state. We are going with fire trucks to decorate the baby's room. I have included a picture of the bedding.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Third Trimester

I have officially begun my third trimester! I can't believe that 27 weeks have flown by so quickly. Our baby boy is almost here, and we are so excited. I think Kirk is even more ready than I am. We had a doctor's visit on Monday, and everything was normal. I have a little swelling, but nothing to be concerned about. I also gained 11 pounds in the last 5 weeks (OOPS!), but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we haven't had dance classes in a month, and we went on vacation to the Frio River for a week, where we ate like royalty. Every day. So I immediately started doing water aerobics with Aunt Sharon Harvey, and my legs are so sore! Maybe I'll be able to keep the weight gain down now.

I had to go back in on Wednesday for the bloodwork to determine if I have anemia or gestational diabetes. I had to drink the glucose and wait an hour before they could draw my blood. I haven't heard back from them yet, so I am hoping that everything was okay. I go back on April 13th (3 weeks from the last visit). The visits are starting to get closer now!

The baby moves almost constantly now. Mostly when I lay down to go to bed, first wake up in the morning, and anytime I eat. It is so sweet to feel him moving around, like he is trying to interact with us. Kirk rubs my belly and says, "Can you believe there is a baby in there?" We are both just so amazed at this little life we are bringing into the world. According to the books, he weighs about 2 to 2 1/2 pounds right now. I have included a picture of my growing belly--believe me, it is growing--but it is not very good because I had to take it of myself. I will try to get a better one for all you out there ready for a good laugh.